Monash Medical Centre
The Monash Medical Centre (Clayton) plays a major role in teaching and referrals within the state of Victoria. The Clayton campus is the largest center in the Southern Health Group, providing specialist care to the State’s south-east.

Margaret Charlton
Margaret works at Monash Medical Centre, Royal Children’s Hospital, Taralye RIDBC, and in private practice. Margaret is a specialist in Health Psychology and in Educational and Developmental Psychology. She is the psychologist in the VICS follow-up programme in the Growth and Development Clinic at Monash Medical Centre.

Dr Penelope Stevens
Dr Penelope Stevens is a paediatrician who works in the Growth and Development Clinic at Monash Children’s Hospital. Penelope also works in a pre-school developmental clinic through Peninsula Health.
Penelope completed her paediatric training in Victoria through the Royal Children’s Hospital and Monash Children’s Hospital training programs. She has trained in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units at The Royal Women’s Hospital and the Mercy Hospital for Women. Penelope trained as a fellow in Centre for Community Child Health at The Royal Children’s Hospital in 2013, and completed a project during her Advanced Paediatric Training looking at the long term outcomes of extremely preterm infants.

Emily Johnston
Research Nurse Coordinator
Emily currently works as a Growth and Development Clinic Coordinator within Monash Health. Emily started her neonatal career many years ago in Townsville. Emily started in the special care nursery at Townsville University Hospital and over time worked her way up into the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), completing a Graduate Certificate in Neonatal Nursing. Part of Emily’s role in the unit involved research. She worked on projects to improve the care of infants of diabetic mothers and improve the process of transfers from tertiary centres to non-tertiary centres. Emily later returned to Melbourne to work with paediatric infant perinatal emergency retrieval (PIPER), a role that was amazing.
After starting a family, Emily commenced working in the Monash NICU. While working in NICU and still wanting to be involved in research, Emily worked in phase 1 clinical trials, a flu study, and oncology research. Research coordination allows Emily to tie her interest in research with her enjoyment of neonates and being able to follow-up and see how they are growing and developing.