Frankie’s Story

Frankie’s Story

Giving birth to a prem baby is often dramatic, and Frankie’s story is no different. As time passes though, much of the story has faded into the periphery. The long hours waiting in hospital rooms and the endless conversations with doctors, nurses, lactation...
Oliver’s Story

Oliver’s Story

Oliver’s Story On April 16th 2005 Oliver (twin1) was born. His brother Noah (twin2) sadly passed away on 17th April 2005. I sat by his crib after saying goodbye to his brother, looking at my child, still not quite believing this was happening to me. He was so...
Tatiana’s Fight to Survive

Tatiana’s Fight to Survive

Tatiana’s Fight to Survive Born at 24 weeks and 5 days and only weighing 604 g, Tatiana’s first glimpse at the world wasn’t going to be an easy one. Tatiana and Jedidiah MacCartney show good things come in big and small packages. Jedidiah, who was...

Welcome to Holland

Welcome to Holland – a Musing When you are going to have a baby it’s like planning a fabulous trip to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make wonderful plans. The Colosseum, Michaelangelo’s David, the gondolas in Venice. You may even learn phrases in...

The White Family

The White Family Mark and Penny White with Brooke born 1995 at 38 weeks, Dale born 1997, at 23 weeks weight 540 g, spent 118 days in the nursery and went home on oxygen. Now a happy , healthy 7 year old. Casey born 2000 at 26 weeks and weighed 816g also went home on...

Abbie’s Story

Abbie’s Story Everything was progressing normally, or so I had been told, even though I had been bleeding for what felt like the duration of the pregnancy. I’d had several early scans just to monitor the bleeding, but no cause was ever determined. At 20 weeks...

Victorian Infant Collaborative Study